Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) is one of the world's leading information technology companies. Through its Global Network Delivery Model™, Innovation Network, and Solution Accelerators, TCS focuses on helping global organizations address their business challenges effectively.
Tata Consultancy Services started in 1968. Mr.F.C Kohli who is presently the Deputy chairman was entrusted with the job of steering TCS. The early days marked TCS responsibility in managing the punch card operations of Tisco. The company, which was into management consultancy from day one, soon felt the need to provide solutions to its clients as well.
TCS was the first Indian company to make forays into the US market with clients ranging from IBM,American Express, Sega etc. TCS is presently the top software services firm in Asia . During the Y2K buildup, TCS had setup a Y2K factory in Chennai as a short-term strategy. Now, with E-business being the buzzword, the factory is developing solutions for the dotcom industries.
Today, about 90 percent of TCS' revenue comes from consulting, while the rest from products. TCS has great training facilities. In addition to training around 5 percent of the revenue is spent upon its R&D centers like the Tata Research Design and Development Centre at Pune, along with a host of other centers at Mumbai and Hyderabad . It bench marked its quality standing, invested heavily in software engineering practices and built intellectual property-in terms of patents, code and branded products. At the same time, it expanded its relationships with technology partners and organizations, increased linkages with academic institutions and incubated technologies and ideas of people within TCS and outside.
TCS has already patented 12 E-Commerce solution product packages and has filed six more applications for patent licenses. Over $25 million were spent on enhancing hardware and software infrastructure. The company now has 72 offices worldwide. As many as seven centers were assessed at SEI CMM Level 5 last year(3.4 mistakes in a million opportunities). These include Chennai, Mumbai, Bangalore , Calcutta , Hyderabad and Lucknow . It became the world's first organization to achieve an enterprise wide Maturity Level 5 on both CMMI® and P-CMM®, using the most rigorous assessment methodology - SCAMPISM
Several business and R&D relationship with global firms like Microsoft, IBM, Sun, Adobe, HP, Oracle have been made. The present CEO of the company is Mr. S. Ramadorai. The companies strength is about 14,000.
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